Must-read books for every SEO
January 20, 2020

The digital era relies heavily on the reviews and testimonies available online to choose their brands. This sums up the growing grip of digital marketing currently. Digital marketing is all made possible by the excellent SEO techniques, which has spruced up the marketing industry like never before. The SEO development has been so fast that there are only fewer books on the shelf that document their journey. Still, this article covers a few books that directly or indirectly explains the concept of SEO.
Best SEO books
Linchpin by Seth Godin
Linchpin is an excellent read for the ones who believe in their choices and their future. The book describes the segment or building blocks of a great organization called Linchpins. They are the ones who figure out solutions when there is no particular rulebook. This team of emotional laborers is the indispensable part of an organization, who love their work, pour their best selves into it and turn each day productive. For the SEO part of thinking, we can consider SEO to be that indispensable ‘It’ to the employers and clients. Just as Godin says, going the extra mile and providing constant improvement, an SEO technique exactly offers that. Ensure that you go through this book and view it in the SEO perspective.
Know Much More About : Popular Marketing Books Useful For Entrepreneurs
The little big things: 163 ways to pursue excellence by Tom Peters
Consultant, writer, columnist and stage performer, Tom Peters has come up with a successful solution for approaching business and management in practical ways. Taking a cue from his decades of experiences, he has packed up a lot of information in the 507-page book. The 163 tips mentioned in the book are equally essential for small business owners to heads of major corporations. Though, not directly mentioned, SEO has a lot to learn from this book in terms of leadership, consistency, career and excellence.
Trust Agents by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith
Earn trust, building influence and improving reputation are vital concepts that must be addressed by any marketing professional. Chris Brogan’s and Julian Smith’s novel accurately portrays how online influencers in social media can bring up or bring down a business. In today’s SEO strategy, the mere link building is not enough to survive the competitions. More out of box thinking like social media influencing is gaining in popularity, and it is an excellent organic way of getting organic links. Read the book for more clues and inspirations.
The Dip by Seth Godin
One of the excellent philosophies, Godin’s ‘Dip’ theory supplies enough information to maximize your career potentials, by taking the right decision of quitting a job and stay put in the post. The Dip theory is also applicable for your normal life. His book is all about, what to expect, and what to do about the incoming slump.
“Rework by 37 signals” by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hanson
37 signal is an immensely motivating read that serves as an informative text on productivity and business. The essays like “ASAP is poison”, “Embrace constraints”, and “Interruption is the enemy of productivity”, can benefit the SEOs a lot
Hope this quick reads will motivate you enough for the coming weeks and give you a clear way to improve the SEO processes and your business